What is prayer? A conversation with God – as both our Lord and a friend….
A Prayer for Now
Loving God and Father, we pray for world peace and for all those affected by the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Hamas and with the Houthis in Yemen and the Red Sea.
Give wisdom to leaders of the nations that they may all be a force for good on the earth.
Sustain the anxious and fearful and renew them with courage from on high. Comfort all worried families whose loved ones are in danger. Surround them with your love, protect them from all harm.
Be alongside, heal and protect the sick, the wounded and the refugees, in the name of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen
PRAYING TOGETHER. (Corporate Prayer)
We pray for our villages and the wider world every day either on-line or in our churches: See individual church pages for times
Prayer for schools:
We meet in Saint Catherine’s Montacute 9:30am each second Tuesday to pray for local schools.
On Sunday mornings we have lay-led prayers of intercessions. Anyone who would like to be involved, on-line or in church, should speak to a minister. To request prayer for a person or situation please speak to the churchwarden before the service.
Night prayer or Compline is offered during Lent in our churches, and currently every Wednesday on Zoom, contact Revd Nick for the link.
Prayer Forum on WhatsApp: if you would like to join this important prayer forum please contact Chris Stock on WhatsApp or text on 07768 790145
Prayer walking: usually in August we gather to walk and pray for our villages in Montacute, Odcombe and Stoke – please see pew sheets for details.
Individual prayer Our church buildings are usually open daily – and available for private prayer. At present please see individual church pages
Prayer for others: To join a confidential prayer chain -either email or by telephone – please contact Chris Howat (telephone:01935 881440)
Prayer ministry is available on request after morning services –please ask one of the ministers
Need help praying? contact one of our ministers from the Who’s Who page link.
Quiet days are offered in Lent and advice on retreats is available – please ask at Parish Office.
Want to know more about Prayer? Go to www.justpray.uk
or follow theprayercourse on line
We are part of The Church of England
within the Diocese of Bath and Wells
‘I have come that they may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10 )
When and where, learn more about us and the types of services we offer across the benefice
Meetings, Groups and activities, find out what’s going on across the Benefice on our Events Page
We would love to hear from you. Please contact us via the details on the Who’s Who page