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It is available here to download as a PDF: Prayer Calendar for July

Local News

D-Day Memorial events at Ham Hill Monument

A lone piper plays to commemorate the landings at Normandy in 1944. Later a memorial service was held at the monument

In the evening we were treated to a fly-past by 4 historic aircraft involved in supporting the troops as they landed in Normandy 80 years ago.

Coin Trail to raise funds for All Saints Chapel Hall, Stoke sub Hamdon

Bank Holiday Monday started sunny and bright as we drew out the Trail at the Stoke May Fayre for people to lay their coins. We were lucky to have lots of people passing who had brought some loose change to donate and we were soon moving further along the pavement from Stanchester Academy towards St Mary’s Church at East Stoke. Then the heavens opened and we were deluged, not once but twice. Everyone put on their bravest faces, drank tea, ate donuts and kept smiling as the rain washed away the chalked trail.

We regrouped, redrew the trail and the rain stopped again. By mid afternoon we thought we were nearly complete, but then some more people arrived, bringing yet more coins to lay.

Thank you to everyone who brought a donation and helped make a fun activity from a simple idea. The coins await counting so we will let you know how much money has been raised to help towards the refurbishment of All Saints Chapel Hall

See more photographs in the Gallery

For all enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals please contact revnickclarke@gmail.com07485789968

This benefice is a group of seven parishes, located around the famous Ham Hill, just south-west of Yeovil in South Somerset.

The  churches include some 160 regular worshippers who are committed to serve God and their communities.

We are part of The Church of England
within the Diocese of Bath and Wells

‘I have come that they may have life in all its fullness’  (John 10 )

When and where, learn more about us and the types of services we offer across the benefice

Meetings, Groups and activities, find out what’s going on across the Benefice on our Events Page

We would love to hear from you. Please contact us via the details on the Who’s Who page