God still speaks through His Word, the Bible, if we take time to listen. Housegroups give an opportunity to study the Bible, to discuss our faith (or lack of it!) and help each other to grow as disciples.

Anyone who wants to learn is welcome  – no previous knowledge  or church attendance required! There are groups meeting throughout the benefice.  If you are interested in joining a group, please phone the number given or email

David Mangles (david@northdownfarm.co.uk)


Annie Gurner (revgurner@btinternet.com)

At present housegroups are on line together:

Tuesdays 8.00pm via Zoom

following theprayercourse videos


Alternate Tuesday afternoons, 2.30-4pm
Hosted by Montacute Baptist Church, 
Led by Baptist and Anglican ministers


Tuesday evenings 7.30 – 9pm, 
Hosted by Reg Warr, ‘Bethany’, Orchard Close, Higher Odcombe. 01935 862671 
Theme: tbc
Led by Revd Annie and Roland Moore

Stoke sub Hamdon

Tuesday evenings 7.30pm
The Hamlet, Langlands, Stoke. 01935 826355
Led by Anthony and Sarah Russell and others

Wednesday afternoons, 3.30pm
Amalfi, 76a, West St, Stoke. 01935 822077
Led by Colleen Jerrold and others

Norton Sub Hamdon

Providence Men’s Group.
Wednesday evenings 7.30pm,
hosted by Sam Lewis, Hopes, Little St, Norton. 01935 881925

West Chinnock

Monday evening 7.30 – 9pm
Hosted by Vee Cockerell, 47 Higher St. 01935 882604
Led by David Mangles