All Christians are encouraged to give regularly to their church. Our village churches receive no direct financial support from the government or the Diocese and must find all buildings maintenance and clergy and ministry costs themselves.
At Ham Hill Villages we have a Ministry and Mission Fund to cover all our mission, outreach and central administrative costs, which includes expenses for mission to schools, young people and families, elders support and pastoral care.
To make a donation please use the following bank details
Account Name: ***HHV Benefice Office Account
Account Number: 75230119
Sort Code: 60-23-06
Please add the reference: Benefice Ministry and Mission
Thank you.
If you would prefer to give regularly for the work of your village church please contact your local church treasurer, who will provide bank details and a gift aid form:
Chiselborough: | richard@modeiii.com |
Middle Chinnock & Benefice account | sue.snailshome@btinternet.com |
Montacute: | nic.laycock@btinternet.com |
Norton: | richardtraven@btinternet.com |
Odcombe: | ruthehawkins@hotmail.com |
Stoke: | sarahchaps77@gmail.com |
West Chinnock: | brianatrust@yahoo.co.uk |